A Mindful Worker is a Happier Worker

Research from Harvard Medical School shows the benefits of meditation and mindfulness increase well being of employees. Below is an excerpt from the article, read full article here.

“Mindfulness involves bringing our attention into the present moment and accepting whatever is happening here and now. That sounds very simple, but when we begin to try to actually practice mindfulness — by picking a sensory experience such as the breath, bringing our attention to it, and working to accept whatever arises in our awareness — most of us find not only that our minds quickly wander off into all sorts of thoughts about the past and the future, but they also generate all sorts of negative judgments about what’s happening.”

“The good news is that like any skill, mindfulness can be learned. It just requires a bit of instruction, and setting aside some time to practice. Numerous research studies have shown that by practicing mindfulness, we can actually change both the structure and the functioning of our brains in ways that are consistent with feeling happier and more engaged in our lives. These changes also help us to have an easier time dealing with both physical and emotional pain.”

Read full article here.

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