Gina Rose Baiamonte

Office Yoga® Instructor

Gina Rose Baiamonte is one of our highly skilled Office Yoga® instructors. Gina has been doing yoga for over fourteen years. She was first brought to the mat for a workout, but the practice quickly blossomed to so much more! Throughout her yogic life, Gina has been studying raja, bhakti, vinyasa, sadhani, hatha and now office yoga.  She is yoga alliance certified and studied with school yoga institute in Bolivia and Peru. Gina works to deepen her practice on a daily basis- from the philosophy of yoga to the physical poses.  Yoga with Gina is much deeper than your average yoga class, as she expands your practice on much more than the physical level.  Her classes are full of soul, inspiring music, and heart openers; they keep you in the present moment with the intention of always calming the mind.  Gina works in studios, at events, and with corporations. She will always personalize her class to your needs, creating a unique experience for every office yoga client.

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