5 Office Yoga® poses you can do at your desk

“I’m so stressed out from work and I have back pain. Are there any poses I can do to help?” 

I hadn’t seen Frank in months. He used to be an Office Yoga® regular until he moved into a new role that has his working overtime. I teach weekly in his office and he came to me after one of our sessions. I took one look at his face, the bags under his eyes could hold my keys, my wallet and my heart. I truly felt for him. 

Frank used to be a college athlete and a phenomenal team player. He is used to being fit and working with others. Like most, he found a desk job after college and has quickly excelled because of his great work ethic. He is disciplined and will go above and beyond to meet his goals. Weekends are spent with his family, playing with his kids and fixing things around the house. A few sleepless evenings and 40 lbs later, Frank finds it hard to play with his kids and is experiencing back pain when he tries to kneel down and fix the sink. Frank found me after class because he wanted to make a change but he was unsure how. 

I sat with Frank and went over a few poses he could do at his desk. I told him I would write the sequence and email it to him as a daily reminder to remedy his pain. I know Frank isn’t the only one struggling with physical discomfort, so I share this with you, too. 


Stand or sit in your chair with legs hip distance apart. 

  1. Open your arms out to the side, elbows bent at 90 degrees and chin parallel to the floor. 
  2. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and feel the chest broaden. 
  3. Hold for 5-10 breaths.

Physical benefits: strengthens upper back and shoulders, lengthens chest muscles and opens front of shoulders.

Energetic benefits: opens the heart center allowing for better communication and connection with others.  


Stand tall facing your desk with your feet together. 

  1. Lift your left heel towards your hips.
  2. Hold the outer edge of your foot with your left hand and hold gently. 
  3. Keep your thighs close together and gently reach your left knee towards the floor.
  4. Hold for 5 breaths and change sides. 

Physical benefits: increases flexibility and releases tension in the legs.

Energetic benefits: improved circulation, focus and overall reduction of stress.


  1. Stand or sit next to your desk. 
  2. Place your right ankle over your left knee and sit back into your hips. Energetically press your foot and thigh into each other.
  3. Option to keep your hands at heart center or place your hands on the desk for support.
  4. Hold for 5 breaths and change sides. 

Physical benefits: tones the legs and core, opens outer hips and heightens balance reflex.

Energetic benefits: promotes focus and mental acuity, grounding for the nervous system.


  1. Stand in front of your desk with both hands on the table. 
  2. Step your feet back until your spine is parallel to the floor.
  3. Keep your feet hip distance apart (or slightly wider), hands shoulder distance apart (or wider if shoulder are tight).
  4. Gently tilt the hips up and lean back as you lengthen through the sides of the body.
  5. Hold for 10 breaths.

Physical benefits: opens shoulders, lengthens spine, side bodies, and hamstrings.

Energetic benefits: calming, rejuvenating, grounding.


  1. Start in downward facing dog (see previous).
  2. Step your left foot forward and straighten both legs. 
  3. Keep your feet hip distance apart, hands shoulder distance or wider.
  4. Gently tilt the hips up and lean forward as you lengthen through the hamstring. 
  5. Hold for 5 breaths and change sides.

Physical benefits: opens shoulders, lengthens spine, side bodies, and hamstrings.

Energetic benefits: calming, rejuvenating, grounding.


If you find this sequence helpful, please pass it along.

Big love,

Office Yoga®

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