Cheri Landin

Cheri Landin

Certified Office Yoga® Instructor, Boulder

Cheri had been casually practicing yoga for 15 years to “manage” the stresses of corporate life when she was blindsided by an accident that left her bedridden for 4 months. Alone, and with an abundance of time to reflect, she was struck by the realization that she felt her corporate career was no longer making the difference in the world.

She was blinded by this thought that would eventually change her path forever.

Once physically healed Cheri began to get certified in several different yoga modalities: Sacred Geometry, Hatha Yoga, Chakra Therapeutics, and myofascial release techniques. The final piece was an incredible 5 week 250-hour teacher training program that took place in an ashram nestled in the middle of the Guatemalan jungle beside the sacred Lake Atitlan.

While in Guatemala her trainings and experiences came together seamlessly and recognized it was time to share her knowledge.  In her classes you can expect a playful, satisfying and spiritually nourishing flow that serves to help calm the mind, body and soul.

Interested in becoming an Office Yoga® Instructor? Check out our training schedule here.

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