A Day in the Life of Office Yoga®

A Day in the Life of Office Yoga®

Total Positive Impact: 6 companies, 68+ employees, 3 instructors

Thursday, April 6, 2017– I stopped to reflect on an amazing day of work. In total, Office Yoga® reached six different companies in San Francisco, positively benefitting 68+ employees and supporting three different yoga teachers in expanding their careers in teaching yoga.

I started in the morning by stopping by Odoo, a company in Bay View doing a special event. I dropped off mats, blocks and picked up the contracts. I checked out the room and met some of the employees attending class. They were all very excited to do yoga during their lunch break (and afterwards decided to continue weekly classes).

From Odoo I headed downtown to teach at Riverbed and then Moovweb, my regular Thursday clients. On my way I called Tierra Lyn, a new instructor I hired from the Office Yoga® Teacher Training. I coordinated the equipment swap and filled her in on the company dynamic and room set up (open conference room, carpet floors, closed doors). Tierra had a big day teaching two Special Events (one “OYO Flow” and one “No Sweat, No Change”) and subbing another regular class teaching Office Yoga® Flow. I prepped her the day before, going over sequencing ideas and approach. Walking into an office where everyone knows each other and no one knows you can be intimidating. I wanted to make sure she was prepped and ready to be of service.

That day, Tierra taught Office Yoga® to Odoo, Blue Matter Consulting and Clever. I taught Office Yoga® to Riverbed and Moovweb. Gina, another rockstar Office Yoga® instructor, taught at G2 Insurance company. It dawned on me the growth of Office Yoga® and the amount of people we are impacting on a day to day basis. Only a few years ago I was on my own, quickly running from one office to another. My drive came from witnessing the positive benefits from teaching people at work. Now I feels its growing impact in the community on a larger scale.

I feel so honored to share these Office Yoga® practices with other yoga teachers so they can also walk into an office and make positive change. I am humbled by the positive impact of Office Yoga® in this community. I look forward to employees reaping the benefits of Office Yoga® and seeing how this service evolves.

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