Gratitude, Science Proves it Works!

Science shows that something as simple as writing down 5 things you are grateful for once a week can boost happiness up to 25%.

It’s easy to get carried away with the pressures and responsibilities at work. The high cost of living in a big city puts even more pressure on the financial aspects of our lives. When in a stressful state of mind, our viewpoints get blurry and we lose sight of what is important. Luckily, Office Yoga® has a quick and easy remedy for this: GRATITUDE.

Science shows that something as simple as writing down 5 things you are grateful for once a week can boost happiness up to 25%. Robert Emmons is one of the world’s leading experts on the science of gratitude and his book, Thanks!, is packed with various ways we can practice being grateful.

So why not give this a try? Do the research yourself and experience the boost in happiness directly. This small investment of time will be worth it. Find a pen and piece of paper or pull up an empty page on your computer. List 5 things you are grateful for (at work or in general):












Make a note in your calendar to do this exact Office Yoga® gratitude exercise at the same time next week. The benefits are immediate and long lasting. Commit to once month (four weeks) and see how this simple exercise begins to benefit your state of being. If you’re open to it, please share with us in the comment section below!

If you want Office Yoga® services at your workplace, contact us at for more info and scheduling.

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