Office Yoga® Sequence


Office Yoga® Sequence

 by Kerianna Krebushevski, Office Yoga® Teacher Trainee

“No Sweat, No Change, No Stress” Office Yoga® Sequence

  1. Start in easy pose
  2. Inhale/exhale for 5 breaths, keep focus on the breath
  3. Inhale arms up, exhale twist to left (3 breaths)
  4. Inhale to center, arms up, exhale twist to right (3 breaths)
  5. Inhale to center, arms up, exhale side bend to the left (3 breaths)
  6. Inhale to center, arms up, exhale side bend to the right (3 breaths)
  7. Find your way to all fours
  8. Cat/ Cow x5
  9. Inhale left arm up, exhale thread the needle (3 breaths)
  10. Inhale left arm up, exhale table top
  11. (right side, 3 breaths)
  12. Find you way to forward fold
  13. Inhale flat back, exhale forward fold, inhale reverse swan dive, arms above head, exhale hands heart center, inhale arms up, exhale forward fold (x3)
  14. Inhale arms up, grab right wrist w/ left hand, side bend to the left (3 breaths)
  15. (right side, 3 breaths)
  16. Inhale to center, exhale hands to heart center
  17. Interlace fingers behind back (little backbend if you’d like)
  18. Exhale forward fold (with fingers interlaced behind back) (3 breaths)
  19. Exhale hands to the floor, inhale flat back, exhale forward fold
  20. Step right foot back, lower right knee, inhale left arm up, simple twist (3 breaths)
  21. Exhale hands down, step right food forward, forward fold, inhale flat back, exhale forward fold
  22. (other side, 3 breaths)
  23. Forward Fold, inhale flat back, exhale forward fold, inhale reverse swan dive, exhale hands heart center, inhale arms up, exhale forward fold (x3)
  24. Inhale reverse swan dive, grab left wrist w/ right hand, side bend to the right (3 breaths)
  25. (left side, 3 breaths)
  26. Interlace fingers behind back (little backbend if you’d like)
  27. Exhale forward fold, straighten left leg, bend right knee, twist up to the left (right shoulder toward right knee) (3 breaths)
  28. Exhale center, straighten right leg, bend left knee, twist up to the right (3 breaths)
  29. Exhale center, release hand to earth
  30. Forward Fold, inhale flat back, exhale forward fold, inhale reverse swan dive, exhale hands heart center, inhale arms up, exhale forward fold (x3)
  31. Step right foot back, lower right knee, inhale arms up (3 breaths) work into the front of the right hip
  32. Interlace fingers behind back, exhale open the chest (3 breaths) work to open chest and get a slight backbend in the right side.
  33. Release hands, inhale arms up, exhale hands to heart center twist to left, right elbow outside of left knee (3 breaths) work on twist and now maybe opening that left outer hip a bit more.
  34. Inhale arms up, exhale eagle arms (or hug opposite shoulders) little back bend (3 breaths) now working on opening the back
  35. Step right foot forward, forward fold, inhale flat back, exhale forward fold
  36. Step left foot back, repeat on opposite side
  37. Forward Fold, inhale flat back, exhale forward fold, inhale reverse swan dive, exhale hands heart center, inhale arms up, exhale forward fold (x3)
  38. Inhale up to stand, exhale hands to heart center
  39. Extend left leg out in front of you, try to lift for a breath, then figure four the leg and sit into chair pose (can stay standing)(3 breaths)
  40. Inhale to stand
  41. (Other side 3 breaths)
  42. Inhale arms up, exhale swan dive forward, grab opposite elbows and sway side to side (5 breaths)
  43. Sink hips down inhale arms up, chair pose (3 breaths)
  44. Sink all the way to the floor
  45. Find easy pose
  46. Final meditation here

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