It’s Not Me, It’s You: How to Manage a Corporate Yoga Breakup
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Breakups are hard, no matter the context. Ending a contract with your corporate yoga clients is the same. The new gap in your schedule constantly reminds you of the employees you miss and the relationships you built. Navigating this transition can be emotional, but it’s an important part of professional relationships. Losing a client does not mean you’ve failed, nor does it indicate your future as a corporate yoga teacher. It can be the opposite. Here are key points to keep in mind as you move through the process:
Don’t Take it Personally
When you put your time and energy into a company’s well-being, getting cut from the budget can feel personal. Companies make financial decisions based on many factors, such as an increase in the cost of employee medical benefits or a downturn in the industry’s market. These circumstances have nothing to do with your value and how well you cue downdog.
Give it Time
Losing a client you are connected to can feel like breaking up with a long-term partner. Give yourself some time and space to grieve. The more you put yourself out there authentically, the more personal the termination can feel. Companies have a tendency to be transactional, but wellness services like office yoga are built on two-way relationships. As yoga teachers, we’re good at feeling and processing our emotions. Don’t rush back to the market if you’re not ready. Take your time to find a new client that you connect with.
Communicate Professionally
Maintain a respectful tone when speaking about former clients. You can be honest but diplomatic about your experience. Respect confidentiality agreements even after the contract is terminated. Ensure the breakup doesn’t damage your reputation or the client’s perception of your professionalism. Sometimes, what feels like goodbye is really a “see you later.” At the very least, you may want them as a reference in the future.
Assess and Adapt
Try to understand why the contract ended. Did the client want something more than what you offered? Is it due to increased costs elsewhere, a mismatch in expectations, attendance issues, or something else? Think of this as a practice in tapas, using discomfort as a learning opportunity. If possible, ask for the reason behind the decision. There could be potential to make a change in the short term that addresses the underlying issue. At the very least, the feedback will better prepare you for future clients. Reflect on what led to the termination to avoid similar situations in the future.
Practice Non-Attachment
You see the same people every week when teaching corporate yoga. Forming a bond and feeling connected to employees is part of the human experience. The more we show up authentically, the more attached we become to the outcome. Losing a corporate client is an excellent practice in non-attachment or vairagya. After all, how many yoga classes have you taught about non-attachment? Yoga, Buddhism, and every other wisdom field agree that attachment fluxes and changes. Remember, when the contract is over, your relationship with individual employees can continue…
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Stay Connected
Give employees an opportunity to connect with you on social media or subscribe to your email list. This way, employees still have an opportunity to practice with you in another setting. People can register for your online classes, request private sessions, or attend drop-in classes and retreats.
More importantly, many employees leave and find other jobs. Former employees are great leads for new clients. A few of my most lucrative contracts came from former employees who started new roles in a different company. We had a rapport, and they trusted my services. Keep in touch with the people you’ve connected with even after the agreement ends.
How to Avoid Future Breakups
Let’s be honest; most breakups happen for a reason. Businesses evolve, and the company’s wellness strategies evolve, too. As Office Yogis, your job requires you to keep a finger on the pulse of the organization’s health. Speak to the company’s pain points and learn through continuing education in the broader field of workplace wellness. Offer different format options like Desk Yoga or online sessions to accommodate spaces, schedules, and remote employees. In Office Yoga Teacher Training, I share ways to expand your services to grow with the company and maintain relevance.
Office Yoga offers continuing education for yoga teachers and enthusiasts. If you’re interested in Office Yoga Teacher Training, learn more. If you want an instructor to come to your office, click here!