new york

We’re excited to offer Office Yoga® in New York City!

Research has proven that “80% of workers feel stress on the job.” Other studies show yoga and meditation reduce stress and increase employee health and productivity.

Office Yoga® is the #1 corporate yoga and meditation service in the United States. We thoroughly screen and train all of our teachers through the OYO Instructor Training program to guarantee a high standard of excellence. Our classes formats are verified by reputable physical therapists and designed to accommodate any body in any space.

Kerianna Krebushevski


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Kerianna believes that yoga is one of the best ways to find mental stillness in today’s crazy world. When we find stillness we find equanimity, empathy, intention, and contentment. We can then be happier with ourselves, work better with others, and live a healthier, more intentional life.

Kerianna has been teaching yoga since 2013. In her classes, Kerianna strives to combine vigorous and creative sequencing with the flow of the breath so that you can explore and experience the harmony between mind and body. She encourages people to remove themselves from their day, their thoughts, their preconceived notions, to have fun, and move with the beat of the music. In her classes she tries to find a collective good energy and create a helpful and supportive community among her students.

Kerianna studies with Rusty Wells and Maryam Sharifzadeh in San Francisco, CA. She received her primary 200 hr certification at Yoga Vida in NYC before going through Office Yoga® Teacher Training with Maryam in 2017. Kerianna is now a certified Office Yoga® instructor and primarily teaches Office Yoga® classes in New York, New York.

For more information, contact us today:

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