yoga in the bay area
Choosing a Focus
Dharana Dharana is defined as “keeping the attention on a single place.” Use viveka (discernment) to choose carefully and wisely so that it means something to you. This can be a physical object, a project at work, a new business…
Warrior 2
All of our poses and sequences have been verified and approved by licensed physical therapists at Renew Physical Therapy. Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana II)– This pose is a very strong and popular asana. In yogic mythology (I’ll give you an abbreviated…
Downward Dog
Office Yoga® Downward Dog Not all Office Yoga® sites have the time or space to get on and off the floor. So how do you accommodate a group of people with these particular limitations and still receive the benefits of…
Figure 4
OFFICE YOGA FIGURE 4 All of our poses and sequences have been verified and approved by licensed Physical Therapist from Renew Physical Therapy and MD from Columbia University. The Office Yoga® Figure 4 is a non traditional pose that we…