Office Yoga Sun Salutations
How do you teach Office Yoga Sun Salutations without a mat? Not all Office Yoga sites have the time or space to get on and off the floor. So, how do you accommodate a group of people with these limitations…
Q4 Tips for Stress Relief
Q4 Tips for Stress Relief It appears Election Day has now metastasized into Election Season! And while the “season” is almost over, you can’t deny the presence of more stress and anxiety in how people are behaving. To add to…
5 Office Yoga® poses you can do at your desk
“I’m so stressed out from work and I have back pain. Are there any poses I can do to help?” I hadn’t seen Frank in months. He used to be an Office Yoga® regular until he moved into a new…
Want to improve your job performance? Try meditating.
A study published in 2015 examined the influence of meditation on job performance in adults in living in Japan. “Many previous studies have shown that meditation practice has a positive impact on cognitive and non-cognitive functioning, which are related to job…
Before Teaching in the Office
Teaching yoga in the workplace deserves a lot of thought and attention. In 2011, when I first started teaching yoga in an office setting, the practice was referred to as “corporate yoga”. There were no standards in place for teacher…
Cleansing Breath
Is the air quality affecting your breathing? Are you getting headaches due to smoke from the California wildfires? Let’s hold off on the deep ujayi breaths until the air clears. In the meantime, try this Cleansing Breath exercise, learned from…
Off the Mat: Yamas
Earlier this year we visited how the Yamas were outlined in Sri Swami Satchidananda’s rendition of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. We learned that the Yamas are the moral and ethical principles which guide us in living with others in order to live a fulfilled and happy life. They direct…
Office Yoga®: The Cold Hard Facts
Ever wondered why Office Yoga® is a key solution for creating workplace happiness? Have you been tasked with figuring out how to keep employees engaged? Are you curious to know more about the long-term benefits of meditation and yoga? You’ve…
The Eight Limbs of Yoga
“Through the practice of the different limbs of Yoga, whereby impurities are eliminated, there arises an illumination that culminates in discriminative wisdom or enlightenment.” – Yoga Sutra 2.28 As you begin to embark on your undoubtedly amazing Memorial Day Weekend plans,…
Wall Street Journal: The Meditation Cure
A basic practice of Buddhism turns out to be one of the best ways to deal with the anxieties and appetites bequeathed to us by our evolutionary history This article was copied from the Wall Street Journal By Robert Wright…
Yoga and Productivity
Yoga & Meditation: Increase your productivity and decision-making! Office Yoga® and meditation practices are being linked to heightened productivity and decision-making abilities. These skills are crucial to success in both our personal lives and our workplace environments. Office Yoga® and…
Cleansing Breath
Is the air quality affecting your breathing? Are you getting headaches due to smoke from the California wildfires? Let’s hold off on the deep ujayi breaths until the air clears. In the meantime, try this Cleansing Breath exercise, learned from…
Pre Interview Sequence
A 5-minute Office Yoga® sequence for strength and confidence. Research has proven the positive effects of using power poses to enhance inner strength and confidence. A power pose is a body posture or position that creates a more assertive, powerful…
Alternate Nostril Breathing
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Breathing exercises (pranayama) is something we practice in all Office Yoga® classes. The benefits of breath work are far too great to ignore. Pranayama is an easy way to remedy stress and bring the mind and nervous…
Playlist #16
Office Yoga® Playlist #16 Making up for lost time! More Office Yoga® music for you here. Listen and enjoy!