Maryam Sharifzadeh

Maryam Sharifzadeh

Office Yoga® Retreat

September 2-4, 2016 (Labor Day Weekend)   It’s our turn to host you outside the office! We’re heading north to Ratna Ling, a sattvic (peaceful) Tibetan retreat center for our Office Yoga® Retreat this year. Fall is the perfect time…

OYO Playlist #2

Here’s another one from the last couple of weeks. A large part of this playlist is influences by my teacher, Stephanie Snyder and my dear friend, Mike Richardson. Enjoy! OYO Playlist #2 Song, Artist Aad Guray, Gurunam Singh Not the…

OYO Playlist #1

Hi OYOgies, By request, I am updating the most recent playlist for you to listen and move to. I’m not a DJ so you can mix and match the order to your liking. Enjoy! OYO Playlist #1 Song, Artist Bolo…

How Meditation Changes the Brain and Body

I love this, “To meditate mindfully demands ‘an open and receptive, nonjudgmental awareness of your present-moment experience,’ says J. David Creswell.” Meditation is not easy, but it’s not impossible. This article from the New York Times, How Meditation Changes the…

your gut-brain = your second brain

You may have heard me call this the “heart-gut” in class. Here’s more research from Brian Johnson who covers “One Spirit Medicine,” written by Alberto Villoldo. Very interesting stuff! Consider this: You have a second brain in your gut, and…

crazy pants week is feb 8-14th

‪#‎crazypants‬ week starts Feb 8th! We encourage all of our ‪#‎officeyogis‬ to get out of their comfort zone and wear something wild. If you always wear black, wear blue! Crazy pants make life more fun. Winner gets a prize!‪ Want…

The Rise of Workplace Wellness

From my experience teaching Office Yoga® classes, employees who participate in class are very consistent and are less likely to change jobs. A sense of belonging and camaraderie drive employees to stay present. This benefit grows stronger as classes continue…

Less is more!

“Corporate wellness professionals can have a difficult time impressing the benefits of exercise on executives. Here’s another study to add to the growing arsenal of reasons why employers should increase focus on employee wellness pursuits. According to researchers from the…