Maryam Sharifzadeh

Maryam Sharifzadeh

Healthy employees cost less.

Since 1995, the percentage of Johnson & Johnson employees who smoke has dropped by more than two-thirds. The number who have high blood pressure or who are physically inactive also has declined—by more than half. That’s great, obviously, but should it matter to managers?

The Health Hazards of Sitting

Everytime I ask for requests in an Office Yoga® class I get the same thing, “Neck, lower back, shoulders, hips.” Here’s why, check this out: Reducing Work Hours for Exercise May Improve Productivity Click above for the full article from…

Workplace Wellness Pays Off

Prevention makes common “cents.” Here’s proof, keep reading! Click below for the full article from the IDEA Health & Fitness Association » Workplace Wellness Pays Off This is one of many articles we post as resources to quantify the positive…