
Playlist #5

Per request, here is the playlist from July. Enjoy! Song, Artist Staying, Koda Ocean Eyes, Billie Elish & Astron Mister Moon & Misses Sun, Burex & Amy Capilari Falling Down, Alexa Harley & Froo Aloha, Mome, Merryn & Jeann Gajumaru,…

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Playlist #4

Below is the most recent Office Yoga® playlist. Songs can be found on Spotify and/or iTunes. Song, Artist Adu, DJ Drez The Wind, Doe Paoro, Adam Kings of Summer, ayokay, Quinn XCII Mt. Wolf- Life Size Ghosts, Catching Flies So…

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OYO Playlist #3

Here is the most recent playlist. Consider listening to this while you practice at home! OYO Playlist #3 Song, Artist Still loving- Original Mix, Andrea Roma and Leusin Technicolour Beat, Oh Wonder White Privilege, Krts Sticks & Stones-Sascha Kloeber, Steffen…

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Office Yoga® Retreat

September 2-4, 2016 (Labor Day Weekend)   It’s our turn to host you outside the office! We’re heading north to Ratna Ling, a sattvic (peaceful) Tibetan retreat center for our Office Yoga® Retreat this year. Fall is the perfect time…

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OYO Playlist #2

Here’s another one from the last couple of weeks. A large part of this playlist is influences by my teacher, Stephanie Snyder and my dear friend, Mike Richardson. Enjoy! OYO Playlist #2 Song, Artist Aad Guray, Gurunam Singh Not the…

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Less is more!

“Corporate wellness professionals can have a difficult time impressing the benefits of exercise on executives. Here’s another study to add to the growing arsenal of reasons why employers should increase focus on employee wellness pursuits. According to researchers from the…

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