breathing exercises

Cleansing Breath

Is the air quality affecting your breathing? Are you getting headaches due to smoke from the California wildfires? Let’s hold off on the deep ujayi breaths until the air clears. In the meantime, try this Cleansing Breath exercise, learned from…

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Happy 2 Year Anniversary!

Teacher Feature: Brandi Zorzy! Happy 2 year anniversary to this babe!! Brandi Zorzy was one of our very first Office Yoga® teachers. She has been by our side, growing with and supporting the business.  She travels the world, sharing her…

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Cleansing Breath

Is the air quality affecting your breathing? Are you getting headaches due to smoke from the California wildfires? Let’s hold off on the deep ujayi breaths until the air clears. In the meantime, try this Cleansing Breath exercise, learned from…

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Bring it Back to the Breath

Benefits of yoga breathing on mind and body One fundamental aspect of yoga and meditation is maintaining focus on the breath. Yoga breathing, or pranayama, is an ancient, 3,000 year old traditional Eastern practice that has many applications to today’s…

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