Maryam Sharifzadeh

Maryam Sharifzadeh

Yoga at Stern Grove w/ Maryam

Maryam is the CEO and owner of Office Yoga®. When she’s not running the business, she in other people’s offices teaching a well balanced yoga class with pranayama and meditation. Her athletic background keeps her classes functional and skillful. She…

Yoga at Stern Grove w/ Charlotte

While practicing Yoga at retreats in the United Kingdom, Charlotte decided to add teaching Yoga to her body of work. Yoga for Charlotte hits all the juicy parts of her body and soul while painting pictures in her mind that…

Yoga at Stern Grove w/ Betsy Peterson

Betsy loves yoga, and loves sharing the practice with people all over the Bay Area and beyond. She thinks that yoga is mostly about just showing up to try – about its practice over perfection. She likes to encourage people…

Yoga at Stern Grove w/ Chelseah

Chelseah Healey went to her first yoga class with the expectation that it would a gentle class of light stretching, however, by the end of that class she was sweaty, out of breath, and surprised at how challenging she’d found…

Yoga at Stern Grove w/ Neil

Neil Wadhawan was exposed to yoga by his father at a very young age. He grew up learning about yoga philosophy which eventually led him to receive a B.A. in Philosophy. He also studied western and eastern music at an…

Yoga at Stern Grove w/ Cindy

Cindy Raspillar Cindy’s yoga classes focus on creativity of movement and calming of the mind. Believing that everybody can benefit from yoga, she strives to break complex movements and ideas down into their basic parts so student leave class feeling…

Yoga at Stern Grove w/ Raquel

Raquel discovered yoga nearly 10 years ago through coworkers while working in Silicon Valley and instantly found the practice to be intriguing and stress relieving – it served as an outlet and a respite from juggling the ever-increasing demands of…

Yoga at Stern Grove w/ Michelle

About Michelle: Michelle is an avid yoga practitioner, who believes in the practice as a modality for change. Since being introduced to yoga in 2006, Michelle has found mind-body connection through Vinyasa and Iyengar studies.  Michelle was one San Francisco’s first…

Yoga at Stern Grove w/ Brandi

Brandi has been practicing yoga since 2008 and received her first certification in 2011, and continues to study with master teachers in San Francisco and New York City. Brandi is a practitioner of Neelakantha Meditation as well as Reiki Master.  She…