poses and sequences

Neck Stretch

Can’t argue a good neck stretch! Try this out- Stand tall with your feet hip distance apart. Gently tilt your head to the right and gently place your hand on top of your head. Without any pressure, let the weight…

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Eagle Pose

  This pose is great for balance and focus! Start in Chair pose (see previous). Balance weight into your right foot and double wrap your left thigh over your right. If possible, hook the ankles. Starting with your arms in…

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Quad Stretch

This quad stretch is a crowd pleaser! Try this at your desk or free standing in the middle of the office- Stand tall facing your desk with your feet together. Lift your left heel towards your glutes. Catch the top…

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Chair Twist

Tired of sitting in chair? Let’s add a twist! Start in Chair pose (see previous) and bring the hands together at the heart. Twist to the left placing your right elbow outside your left knee. Gently press arm and leg…

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Chair Pose

Chair pose is not everyone’s go-to pose and that’s okay! Sprinkle this pose throughout your sequence for strength and toning. Stand up tall with feet together. Bend your knees and press your hips back as if you are sitting into…

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Cactus Arms

This is one of our Office Yoga® staples! The reason we love it so much is because it’s easy, it’s effective and everyone can do it! Try this for yourself- Stand or sit in your chair with legs hip distance…

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Tree Pose

The benefits and Mythology The natural world is full of beautiful wonders. Trees are one example of the stunning capabilities of Mother Nature. Trees bridge two elements, earth and air. They are deeply rooted in the ground but they rise…

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Warrior 2

All of our poses and sequences have been verified and approved by licensed physical therapists at Renew Physical Therapy.  Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana II)– This pose is a very strong and popular asana. In yogic mythology (I’ll give you an abbreviated…

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Pyramid Pose

Office Yoga® Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana) Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana) is great Office Yoga® stretch for hamstrings and hips. In his book Light on Yoga, B.K.S Iyengar, one of the greatest yoga masters of our time, claims that this pose (asana) relieves…

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Downward Dog

Office Yoga® Downward Dog Not all Office Yoga® sites have the time or space to get on and off the floor. So how do you accommodate a group of people with these particular limitations and still receive the benefits of…

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Forward Fold

Monday morning calls for uttanasana. This pose lengthens the back body, particularly the hamstrings. In Office Yoga® we keep the knees bent so there’s little pulling in the low spine. The pose allows you to turn in and calm the…

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Figure 4

OFFICE YOGA FIGURE 4 All of our poses and sequences have been verified and approved by licensed Physical Therapist from Renew Physical Therapy and MD from Columbia University.  The Office Yoga® Figure 4 is a non traditional pose that we…

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