san francisco meditation at work

Cleansing Breath

Is the air quality affecting your breathing? Are you getting headaches due to smoke from the California wildfires? Let’s hold off on the deep ujayi breaths until the air clears. In the meantime, try this Cleansing Breath exercise, learned from…

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Eagle Pose

  This pose is great for balance and focus! Start in Chair pose (see previous). Balance weight into your right foot and double wrap your left thigh over your right. If possible, hook the ankles. Starting with your arms in…

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Cleansing Breath

Is the air quality affecting your breathing? Are you getting headaches due to smoke from the California wildfires? Let’s hold off on the deep ujayi breaths until the air clears. In the meantime, try this Cleansing Breath exercise, learned from…

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Choosing a Focus

Dharana Dharana is defined as “keeping the attention on a single place.” Use viveka (discernment) to choose carefully and wisely so that it means something to you. This can be a physical object, a project at work, a new business…

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Bring it Back to the Breath

Benefits of yoga breathing on mind and body One fundamental aspect of yoga and meditation is maintaining focus on the breath. Yoga breathing, or pranayama, is an ancient, 3,000 year old traditional Eastern practice that has many applications to today’s…

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Warrior 2

All of our poses and sequences have been verified and approved by licensed physical therapists at Renew Physical Therapy.  Warrior 2 (Virabhadrasana II)– This pose is a very strong and popular asana. In yogic mythology (I’ll give you an abbreviated…

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Downward Dog

Office Yoga® Downward Dog Not all Office Yoga® sites have the time or space to get on and off the floor. So how do you accommodate a group of people with these particular limitations and still receive the benefits of…

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