san francisco yoga

Playlist #21

Office Yoga® Playlist #21 Hi Office Yogis! Below is another playlist for your pleasure. Most of this music is played in our Office Yoga® classes offered in the San Francisco Bay Area. If you have any song requests or recommendations,…

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Choosing a Focus

Dharana Dharana is defined as “keeping the attention on a single place.” Use viveka (discernment) to choose carefully and wisely so that it means something to you. This can be a physical object, a project at work, a new business…

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How To Do Warrior 3

How to Do Warrior 3 In Office Yoga®, we use a variety of balance poses to help employees stay focused and grounded. There are many physical and mental benefits to balance poses such as Tree Pose (vrksasna), Dancer Pose (natarajasana)…

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