Maryam Sharifzadeh

Maryam Sharifzadeh

Podcast with Danni Pomplun- The Yogi Misfit

Recently did an interview with Danni Pomplun, a local San Francisco yoga instructor, fellow Lululemon ambassador and overall good human! Check out this podcast about the benefits of teaching Office Yoga® and what we’re up to. Actually, we’re mostly laughing…

Office Yoga® in the Huffington Post

Office Yoga® is collaborating with Daisy Yoga to host San Francisco’s first Office Yoga® Teacher Training program. “As the Office Yoga® industry grows, so will the Office Yoga® teaching workforce. Sharifzadeh is excited to be moving the industry forward, and…

Playlist #10- Pramana

Playlist #10- Pramana (Correct Perception) Pramana translates to correct perception– literally to measure or gauge what is in front of us. If we want to perceive an object or situation correctly, we have to have a broad understanding. Personal agendas,…

Playlist #9- Avidya

Playlist # 9- Avidya Avidya is sanskrit for “lack of awareness” or simply not knowing. The inability to perceive things clearly and act consciously causes pain and suffering. By increaseing out awareness, paying attention, sitting quietly and listening clearly, we…

Playlist #8-Viveka

Playlist # 8- VIVEKA Viveka is sanskrit for having keen discernment. The Yoga Sutras emphasize having keen discernment and the ability to choose wisely between what is important and what is not, what serves us and what doesn’t. Without this ability,…

Playlist #7- Ahimsa

Playlist #7- Ahimsa The sanskrit word Ahimsa (which is the first of the five yamas ) is directly translated as non violence and compassion. When we harm others, we harm ourselves and vice versa. While listening to the following playlist (or…

Playlist #6

Per request, here is our playlist from August! Please download song from Spotify and/or iTunes and support the artists. Enjoy! Playlist #6 Song, Artist Here with Me (Two Worlds), Susie Suh All I Wanna Say, Lontalius Powerful, Major Lazor &…

Playlist #5

Per request, here is the playlist from July. Enjoy! Song, Artist Staying, Koda Ocean Eyes, Billie Elish & Astron Mister Moon & Misses Sun, Burex & Amy Capilari Falling Down, Alexa Harley & Froo Aloha, Mome, Merryn & Jeann Gajumaru,…

Playlist #4

Below is the most recent Office Yoga® playlist. Songs can be found on Spotify and/or iTunes. Song, Artist Adu, DJ Drez The Wind, Doe Paoro, Adam Kings of Summer, ayokay, Quinn XCII Mt. Wolf- Life Size Ghosts, Catching Flies So…