
Playlist #13- Tapas

Office Yoga® Playlist #13- Tapas The word tapas derives from tap, meaning “to heat.” Real and permanent change in behavior creates heat from the friction o a new, positive pattern rubbing up against an old, negative one. The priceless heat of…

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Office Yoga® Sequence

30-Minute Office Yoga® Sequence  by Kerianna Krebushevski, Office Yoga® Teacher Trainee “No Sweat, No Change, No Stress” Office Yoga® Sequence Start in easy pose Inhale/exhale for 5 breaths, keep focus on the breath Inhale arms up, exhale twist to left…

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Choosing a Focus

Choosing a Focus (Dharana) Dharana is defined as “keeping the attention on a single place.” This is incredibly important when in a work environment. So often we get side tracked by conversations or pulled into other projects and lose our focus…

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Playlist #10- Pramana

Playlist #10- Pramana (Correct Perception) Pramana translates to correct perception– literally to measure or gauge what is in front of us. If we want to perceive an object or situation correctly, we have to have a broad understanding. Personal agendas,…

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