
The Eight Limbs of Yoga

“Through the practice of the different limbs of Yoga, whereby impurities are eliminated, there arises an illumination that culminates in discriminative wisdom or enlightenment.” – Yoga Sutra 2.28   As you begin to embark on your undoubtedly amazing Memorial Day Weekend plans,…

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Meet Cindy Raspillar

Office Yoga® Instructor! Cindy Raspillar Cindy’s yoga classes focus on creativity of movement and calming of the mind. Believing that everybody can benefit from yoga, she strives to break complex movements and ideas down into their basic parts so student…

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Happy 2 Year Anniversary!

Teacher Feature: Brandi Zorzy! Happy 2 year anniversary to this babe!! Brandi Zorzy was one of our very first Office Yoga® teachers. She has been by our side, growing with and supporting the business.  She travels the world, sharing her…

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Yoga and Productivity

Yoga & Meditation: Increase your productivity and decision-making! Office Yoga® and meditation practices are being linked to heightened productivity and decision-making abilities. These skills are crucial to success in both our personal lives and our workplace environments. Office Yoga® and…

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Tree Pose

The benefits and Mythology The natural world is full of beautiful wonders. Trees are one example of the stunning capabilities of Mother Nature. Trees bridge two elements, earth and air. They are deeply rooted in the ground but they rise…

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Cleansing Breath

Is the air quality affecting your breathing? Are you getting headaches due to smoke from the California wildfires? Let’s hold off on the deep ujayi breaths until the air clears. In the meantime, try this Cleansing Breath exercise, learned from…

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Choosing a Focus

Dharana Dharana is defined as “keeping the attention on a single place.” Use viveka (discernment) to choose carefully and wisely so that it means something to you. This can be a physical object, a project at work, a new business…

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Angela Arrivo

Please welcome Angela Arrivo to the Office Yoga® family! Angela Arrivo is a certified Vinyasa Yoga and Office Yoga® teacher living in the Bay Area. Starting her Yoga journey in 2013 after curiously inquiring about a local Yoga studio in…

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OYO goes to Fyber!

Office Yoga® for the global tech company… We are excited to offer Office Yoga® sessions at Fyber! This company has 80-90% of their employees attend which demonstrates a strong team dynamic. The Office Yoga® session is all levels which allows everyone…

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Gina Rose Baiamonte

Office Yoga® Instructor Gina Rose Baiamonte is one of our highly skilled Office Yoga® instructors. Gina has been doing yoga for over fourteen years. She was first brought to the mat for a workout, but the practice quickly blossomed to so…

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