
Choosing a Focus

Dharana Dharana is defined as “keeping the attention on a single place.” Use viveka (discernment) to choose carefully and wisely so that it means something to you. This can be a physical object, a project at work, a new business…

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Bring it Back to the Breath

Benefits of yoga breathing on mind and body One fundamental aspect of yoga and meditation is maintaining focus on the breath. Yoga breathing, or pranayama, is an ancient, 3,000 year old traditional Eastern practice that has many applications to today’s…

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Figure 4

OFFICE YOGA FIGURE 4 All of our poses and sequences have been verified and approved by licensed Physical Therapist from Renew Physical Therapy and MD from Columbia University.  The Office Yoga® Figure 4 is a non traditional pose that we…

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Playlist #13- Tapas

Office Yoga® Playlist #13- Tapas The word tapas derives from tap, meaning “to heat.” Real and permanent change in behavior creates heat from the friction o a new, positive pattern rubbing up against an old, negative one. The priceless heat of…

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