Office Yoga®

How To Do Warrior 3

How to Do Warrior 3 In Office Yoga®, we use a variety of balance poses to help employees stay focused and grounded. There are many physical and mental benefits to balance poses such as Tree Pose (vrksasna), Dancer Pose (natarajasana)…

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No Props? No Problem!

No Props? No Problem! One of my favorite things about teaching Office Yoga® is the ability to be resourceful in utilizing space and props. Office Yoga® is unchartered territory which leaves plenty of room for creativity. Props can be extremely…

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Playlist #13- Tapas

Office Yoga® Playlist #13- Tapas The word tapas derives from tap, meaning “to heat.” Real and permanent change in behavior creates heat from the friction o a new, positive pattern rubbing up against an old, negative one. The priceless heat of…

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Office Yoga® Sequence

30-Minute Office Yoga® Sequence  by Kerianna Krebushevski, Office Yoga® Teacher Trainee “No Sweat, No Change, No Stress” Office Yoga® Sequence Start in easy pose Inhale/exhale for 5 breaths, keep focus on the breath Inhale arms up, exhale twist to left…

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